
React Native: Boon or Bane For Mobile App Development

10 Mar 2021

Face­book, Uber eats, Insta­gram, Skype, Dis­cord, and the list goes on and on. But wait, what are we talk­ing about? Which list? We are going to list out the most famous mobile apps that are exten­sive­ly using the React Native frame­work for their high-end devel­op­ments. No oth­er plat­form had the spunk that could entice these users with their high-fideli­ty app devel­op­ment. Face­book being the first one to intro­duce it, React Native has become the embod­i­ment of an out­stand­ing plat­form for app devel­op­ment services.

React Native is wide­ly used by var­i­ous com­pa­nies in order to pro­duce scin­til­lat­ing out­comes and have an influ­en­tial impact on their end cus­tomers. After all, who does­n’t want to climb the lad­ders with­out a sliv­er pierc­ing their skin? Every­one loves it the easy way, and Jor­dan Walke in 2015 pro­vid­ed us with this epit­o­me of the ulti­mate fea­si­ble yet high-per­for­mance frame­work. React native devel­op­ment ser­vices are now a high demand in the dig­i­tal mar­ket. Var­i­ous entre­pre­neurs in need of high fideli­ty and a robust appli­ca­tion for their ven­tures pre­fer choos­ing the React Native app devel­op­ment ser­vices over any oth­er ser­vice because of its cross-plat­form ben­e­fits, which let the user pro­cure agile appli­ca­tions with user-friend­ly UI.

As con­veyed by a sur­vey by, 42% of mobile app devel­op­ers pro­pose to use React Native frame­work for their cross-plat­form mobile app devel­op­ment. Out of sev­er­al frame­works present out there, what excites app devel­op­ers is React Native because of its pro­lif­ic capa­bil­i­ties and ease of development.

react native development Statistics

While there’s an enor­mous demand for the frame­work nowa­days, let us see what it actu­al­ly is and what ser­vices React Native offers.

What is React Native?

React Native app Development Company

React native is a dig­i­tal frame­work designed for robust mobile app devel­op­ment for sev­er­al kinds of pur­pos­es. Whether it is your father’s busi­ness or the start­up plan to start on your own, be it a social media app or the infa­mous food deliv­ery app, when it comes to select­ing one of the many options avail­able in the mar­ket When it comes, most of the case has been won by React Native.

The frame­work, based on JavaScript, allows cross-plat­form devel­op­ment of high-fideli­ty applications.

Now, here’s to the times when you will not be able to resist the advan­tages of React Native over oth­er plat­forms. Take a glance at the vast spec­trum of ben­e­fits of using React Native.

When React Native is the answer to your questions?

Ear­li­er, while plan­ning to devel­op an incred­i­ble appli­ca­tion, the mobile devel­op­ers and busi­nessper­sons seemed to be bewil­dered by the ulti­mate choice they had to make between a hybrid app and a native app. The sce­nario has been changed with the oncom­ing of React Native- their cyno­sure in the long term. The same con­fused peo­ple now tend to bypass this chaos and direct­ly choose React Native over oth­er platforms.

Here are some oth­er rea­sons why the devel­op­ers answer React Native” to most of the ques­tions in terms of mobile app development.

Go an extra mile with­out pay­ing that extra penny
React Native has proven to be one of the most cost-effec­tive solu­tions for enthu­si­as­tic mobile app devel­op­ers. The bat­tle between Native apps and React Native app devel­op­ment most­ly decreas­es in terms of devel­op­ment cost.

React Native app development cost

In mobile app devel­op­ment, the cost usu­al­ly depends on the num­ber of devel­op­ers employed, the time con­sumed, skills and lan­guages used, etc. In the case of Native devel­op­ments, you pay an extra pen­ny to the cre­ators employed from dif­fer­ent tech­nolo­gies for the same work. For instance, one would need a Java devel­op­er for Android devel­op­ments while a Swift/C# devel­op­er for the iOS app devel­op­ments, which increas­es the has­sle exponentially.

Such is not the case with React Native. On opt­ing for React Native devel­op­ment ser­vices, you do not pay for that extra nui­sance. Rather, the time deployed in devel­op­ing your app would come down to half of what is tak­en by the Native app devel­op­ment. This serves as a two-way advan­tage- reduc­tion in time leads to cut­ting of expenses.

Give your cus­tomers an ele­vat­ed expe­ri­ence with bet­ter UI/UX
Tech­nol­o­gy deci­sions can wait, but com­pro­mis­ing user expe­ri­ence in terms of UI / UX is not right at all costs. No mat­ter what tech­nol­o­gy has been uti­lized in devel­op­ing the appli­ca­tion, what the end cus­tomer, from the non-tech­ni­cal back­ground, would focus on is an incred­i­ble UI/UX which sat­is­fies the cost he has paid. It is the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the mobile app devel­op­er to pro­vide the user with a detailed expla­na­tion of the UI/UX inter­face for his/her app devel­op­ment. React Native has been curat­ed to best fit the user’s demands, there­by fur­nish­ing the best-in-hand user inter­face. As it uses JavaScript in its devel­op­ment, React Native already wins the race.

Reduce the effort by Reusing the code
Code reusabil­i­ty is one of the immi­nent wind­falls of React Native. React native devel­op­ment ser­vices enable the devel­op­ers and the con­sumers to save the effort and both par­ties’ cru­cial time by allow­ing reusabil­i­ty of the code once cre­at­ed. The devel­op­ers can eas­i­ly skip the process of build­ing the code repeat­ed­ly. This not only ben­e­fits the devel­op­er but extends sup­port to the con­sumer who is delib­er­ate­ly wait­ing for his/her app to devel­op as soon as possible.

Third-par­ty plu­g­ins are a big-time achievement
React Native, being an open-source frame­work, allows third-par­ty plu­g­ins in its devel­op­ment. With this ben­e­fit at hand, devel­op­ers can build an app with sev­er­al func­tions effort­less­ly. The task becomes sim­pler for the devel­op­ers; it min­i­mizes the has­sle these devel­op­ers have to go through. React Native devel­op­ment ser­vices make things bet­ter and smooth for devel­op­ers in all verticals.

Numer­ous libraries are avail­able to be accessed by devel­op­ers across the React Native devel­op­ment ser­vices. These can be eas­i­ly accessed by the users for their high-end app developments.

Con­sis­tent updates
Since React Native is an open-source frame­work, it pro­vides enor­mous com­mu­ni­ty sup­port, there­by facil­i­tat­ing agile updates at con­sis­tent­ly procur­ing a lot of new fea­tures. Face­book, the tremen­dous social net­work being its cre­ator, React Native has seen expo­nen­tial improve­ments since its launch. Although the con­sis­tent updates might become trou­ble for some devel­op­ers, it has by far the best updates avail­able while it onboards sev­er­al new fea­tures that come in handy to the devel­op­ers as well as users of the end product.

The tran­si­tion from the web page gets simpler
The web app is con­sis­tent and in line with the native apps to some extent to be oper­at­ed both on mobile phones and desk­tops. The web apps built through React are sim­pler to trans­mit to a mobile app. Using React Native tran­si­tion becomes an exceed­ing­ly eas­i­er and fea­si­ble process. Web apps tend to lag when a user tries to sell some­thing or tries to pro­pose a good UI/UX. The best approach, in this case, would be React Native.

Times when your busi­ness can be ben­e­fit­ted from React Native

Cross-plat­form facilitation:

Cross-plat­form sys­tems can be of enor­mous priv­i­lege for busi­ness­es. It saves the devel­op­ment cost and the busi­ness per­son a great deal of time. The immi­nent advan­tage of the cross-plat­form is that a sin­gle code can be used to cre­ate apps, which is suit­able for Android and iOS. This helps the busi­ness per­sons to expand their ven­ture to a great deal with­out many endeav­ors and with­in a rel­a­tive­ly short period.

Fast func­tion­ing:
Busi­ness ven­tures high­ly ben­e­fit­ed from the faster func­tion­ing of apps built through React Native. Each busi­ness, in today’s time, seeks speedy growth for achiev­ing icon­ic afflu­ence. React Native devel­op­ment ser­vices are apt for such vig­or­ous demands.

The avail­abil­i­ty of React devel­op­ers is high:
Since react native is based on JavaScript and is an open-source plat­form, it is eas­i­er to hire React Native devel­op­ers than oth­ers. Hence, it saves time and the cost that one would spend on these attributes.

Times when React Native might not be your go-to friend-

Despite being the mas­ter in its field of mobile devel­op­ment, React Native devel­op­ment ser­vices pos­sess cer­tain imped­i­ments. Recent­ly, Airbnb and Udac­i­ty cre­at­ed quite a storm by announc­ing their abate to use React Native. Here we try to explain the pos­si­ble short­com­ings of the framework.

When a boon comes to be a dilemma
While we talk of the reg­u­lar updates of React Native serv­ing as an immi­nent aspect of the frame­work, there’s anoth­er side to this boon that often comes as a quandary for many of the devel­op­ers. React Native tends to show new updates every week. This can trou­ble the devel­op­ers in being con­sis­tent with the update process. Fur­ther, the prob­lem leads to less­er use of the frame­work in the long run.

JavaScript por­trayed as the problem
JavaScript is a remark­ably flex­i­ble and potent pro­gram­ming lan­guage. But, at the same time, it gives rise to issues of lack of safe­ty which devel­op­ers seem to cir­cum­vent. Bewil­dered by this prob­lem, devel­op­ers turn to use Type­Script and Flow in the exist­ing infrastructure.

Not apt for com­plex interfaces
React Native is an excel­lent enti­ty for lead­ing user inter­faces. But, when com­plex­i­ty delves into these user inter­faces, React Native los­es its mark. Apps that require mul­ti­ple inter­ac­tions, ani­ma­tions, screen tran­si­tions, or com­plex ges­tures are not the best to be devel­oped by React Native.

The waver­ing initialization
It has been observed that even on high-tech devices, React Native apps take a sub­stan­tial amount of time in ini­tial­iz­ing. This fur­ther cre­ates a prob­lem for the user. The rea­son paint­ed as the JavaScript thread also requires time to initialize.

Open-source libraries
React Native libraries pos­sess cer­tain native bridges for videos and maps. These require knowl­edge of a vast vari­ety of plat­forms- a com­plete under­stand­ing of three plat­forms is nec­es­sary for the app to run suc­cess­ful­ly. This pos­es a chal­lenge for any mobile devel­op­er. Thus, know­ing even 2 of these plat­forms would­n’t help the devel­op­er and lead to inca­pac­i­ty to resolve cer­tain incon­sis­ten­cies with Android and iOS.

Sum­ming up, we would focus on the pros and cons of the largest used mobile app devel­op­er in the mobile devel­op­ment world. Well, the above sen­tence directs you to a clear indi­ca­tion that React Native is one of the most con­ve­nient and fre­quent­ly used plat­forms for mobile app development.

Despite hav­ing cer­tain short­com­ings, the frame­work extends its dili­gent and high­ly favor­able ser­vices to the devel­op­ers as well as the users. The time and effort there­by reduced helped the devel­op­ers and var­i­ous busi­ness­es in the long run. Also, cost effi­cien­cy has a greater fan fol­low­ing than any of the prob­lem­at­ic areas of the framework.

To dis­cuss your React Native App Devel­op­ment project before­hand, you can email us at At WEDOWEBAPPS we have been serv­ing the IT indus­try for over a decade. We can help you start your dream business.

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