
How React Native Ser­vices Enhance Devel­op­er’s Productivity?

03 Nov 2022

Every­where you see, peo­ple are squeezed inside their smart­phones and mobile appli­ca­tion, so much so that Sta­tista pre­dicts smart­phone users will rise to 3.8 bil­lion!

These lit­tle apps are addict­ing because many peo­ple are stuck to their smart­phones and using sev­er­al android and iOS apps 24/7.

Con­sid­er Ama­zon and Insta­gram exam­ples. Com­ing out of the infi­nite scrolling is always tricky as there is always some­thing more inter­est­ing to buy or see on reels.

With this con­sid­er­able rise, the demand for mobile apps will simul­ta­ne­ous­ly increase. Busi­ness­es are run­ning after find­ing some of the lead­ing react native devel­op­ment com­pa­nies to devel­op smart and user-friend­ly web applications.

As a result, soft­ware devel­op­ers, mobile app devel­op­ers, project man­agers, and top react native mobile app devel­op­ment com­pa­nies are in huge demand. Also, the future of react native app devel­op­ment is in demand.

The bud­ding full-stack devel­op­ers and native app devel­op­ment ser­vice providers will have to:

  • Speed up the devel­op­ment process
  • Hire react devel­op­ers and full-time soft­ware engi­neers with years of expe­ri­ence in react native app development
  • Estab­lish a strong port­fo­lio in react devel­op­ment apps

And this means they must remain pro­duc­tive if they want to devel­op high-qual­i­ty react com­po­nent apps hav­ing excel­lent user experience.

But the good news is, React Native is help­ing devel­op­ers cope with this chal­lenge by eas­ing the front-end devel­op­ment process!


react native app development

What to know how so keep read­ing to find answers to many ques­tions cur­rent­ly run­ning through your mind.

Why Does The Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty of React Native Devel­op­er Matters? 

Are you try­ing to deter­mine the con­nec­tion between mobile app devel­op­ment and devel­op­er pro­duc­tiv­i­ty? Well, this ques­tion cer­tain­ly cross­es the minds of many, and hence we put light on the impor­tance of devel­op­er pro­duc­tiv­i­ty before get­ting started.

1. Time Spent As Per Expectations

When we elim­i­nate unpro­duc­tive time, it leaves us with time spent wise­ly. In the same way, by spend­ing time well, devel­op­ers can churn out more pro­duc­tiv­i­ty in the same time slot.

2. Devel­op­ers Can­not Scale Linearly

Some plat­forms may demand more devel­op­ers than oth­ers, and this scal­ing up is only fea­si­ble some­times. With pro­duc­tive devel­op­ers, you will not need to add up resources to scale a team, and they will give their best output.

3. Frus­tra­tion Kills Productivity

If the plat­form lever­aged by devel­op­ers is hard to use and the tools suck dur­ing the process, the pro­duc­tiv­i­ty lev­els will decrease. On the con­trary, if devel­op­ers enjoy the devel­op­ment process because of acces­si­ble doc­u­men­ta­tion and enjoy­able devel­op­ment process, their pro­duc­tiv­i­ty will be at its peak.

4. Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty Should­n’t Be Copped

Refrain from being of the notion that every­thing and every­thing will keep devel­op­ers focused and pro­duc­tive. You need to ensure that the devel­op­ers enjoy the devel­op­ment plat­form and put in the effort to get things straight only this way; the fly­wheel will move faster than expected.

Now that you know why devel­op­er pro­duc­tiv­i­ty is so impor­tant let’s under­stand how React Native helps with devel­op­er productivity.

Top Ways In Which React Native Helps Mobile App Developers

If you are look­ing for some con­vinc­ing rea­sons to hire React Native devel­op­ment ser­vices, we list some below. One thing is for sure; it will speed up the app devel­op­ment process to a great extent.

#1. Code Reusing And Build­ing Blocks 

This open-source library con­tains every­thing required for app devel­op­ment and is often need­ed. The React Native library is loaded with mul­ti­ple off-the-shelf com­po­nents, mak­ing devel­op­ment easy for mobile app devel­op­ers. Besides, the devel­op­ers can reuse their code for dif­fer­ent mod­ules and projects. Reusing code fea­ture also improves devel­op­er pro­duc­tiv­i­ty by low­er­ing the amount of work nec­es­sary for app development.

For instance, if they are asked to build a basic CRUD appli­ca­tion, they can use all the exist­ing com­po­nents and add the required codes. Fur­ther­more, the codes avail­able in pre-built mod­ules can also be used by the developers. 

#2. Devel­op­ment Of an Effi­cient User Interface 

The UI, or user inter­face, of any app, be it mobile or desk­top, plays a sig­nif­i­cant role in the sense that it helps attract and retain the atten­tion of users.

React Native helps devel­op­ers incred­i­bly through­out the process by mak­ing imple­men­ta­tion easy and straight­for­ward! The frame­work has a third-par­ty pack­age util­i­ty that helps cre­ate a high­ly respon­sive, seam­less UI.

But React Native does­n’t just stop there, the frame­work pro­vides fun­da­men­tal UI blocks that help dis­tin­guish the inter­face between iOS and Android.

Com­bined, these facil­i­ties reduce the design and devel­op­ment time and the frus­tra­tions of dis­tin­guish­ing between the iOS and Android UI.

#3. Fast Cross-Plat­form Development 

The tech­nol­o­gy enables the devel­op­ment of cross-plat­form native apps, such that apps can be released for both iOS and Android plat­forms with­in a short turn­around time. This means devel­op­ers only need to change 20% of their code when releas­ing their app for a dif­fer­ent platform. 

Most of the code in this frame­work can be used for sev­er­al apps, mak­ing the process much more acces­si­ble than start­ing from scratch. This reduces the devel­op­ment time and is a cost-effec­tive approach.

Updates approval” is a sig­nif­i­cant issue that React Native also address­es. Most of the time, devel­op­ers, even for minor changes in the app, have to go through an entire cycle of app store sub­mis­sion and re-approval. This process is frus­trat­ing and time-con­sum­ing, as it can take many days to approve the updates.

How­ev­er, with React Native’s over-the-air update, this is not the prob­lem. When­ev­er the app devel­op­er wants to update the app, they have to send push noti­fi­ca­tions, and when the user clicks on them, the app will update automatically.

#4. Less Learn­ing Curve 

React Native is an easy-to-learn frame­work and is exten­sive­ly based on JavaScript. Devel­op­ers can begin devel­op­ing using the fun­da­men­tals of JavaScript devel­op­ment. Fur­ther­more, the learn­ing curve of React Native is fast and smooth. Devel­op­ers of all lev­els, be they begin­ners or expe­ri­enced, can quick­ly learn React Native and change their devel­op­ment language.

#5. Robust Devel­op­er Com­mu­ni­ty Giant Sup­port Of An Open-Source Devel­op­er Community. 

Devel­op­ers from across the globe sup­port the com­mu­ni­ty and con­tribute their bit. No mat­ter where you are stuck, reach out to the com­mu­ni­ty of devel­op­ers, and they will help resolve it. This helps save a con­sid­er­able amount of time, there­by increas­ing productivity.

#6. Easy Debugging

React Native helps devel­op­ers obtain the ben­e­fits of easy debug­ging. The sin­gle code­base of this frame­work enables easy detec­tion of bugs and required updates. Every time a bug is spot­ted, devel­op­ers need to change the code once, and the updates will be reflect­ed on all platforms.

This way, all bugs are removed from the oper­at­ing sys­tem at once. No deny­ing it, debug­ging is a hec­tic process and con­sumes a lot of time.

#7. Hot And Live Reloading

The fact is, a devel­op­er has to com­pile the code thou­sands of times before the app goes live!

React Native has two code com­pil­ing sys­tems that aim to improve devel­op­ers’ pro­duc­tiv­i­ty – live and hot app reloading.

Most frame­works use a live reload­ing fea­ture where the files reload from the begin­ning. So, if you are in a screen lay­er, you will have to revis­it the screen, fol­low­ing the same pro­ce­dure. Hence process­es like com­pil­ing, reload­ing, upload­ing, and test­ing take much devel­op­ment time!

How­ev­er, this flaw in live reload­ing was tack­led with the intro­duc­tion of hot reloading.

Hot reload­ing or hot mod­ule reload­ing makes the task of code com­pi­la­tion less tedious. With live load­ing and hot reload­ing, all the required changes will be seen on the file imme­di­ate­ly. This facil­i­tates instant mod­ule reload­ing, and the desired changes are imme­di­ate­ly reflect­ed in the code.

Live reload­ing reads such changes imme­di­ate­ly, and they are all com­piled. This reduces the bur­den for devel­op­ers, and new files are pro­vid­ed to the server.

#8. Use Of Third-Par­ty Components

Allow­ing the sup­port of third-par­ty plu­g­ins is anoth­er great ben­e­fit that makes the frame­work the first choice. This fea­ture of React Native gives devel­op­ers many oppor­tu­ni­ties to use third-par­ty com­po­nents easily.

Build­ing an app from scratch requires sig­nif­i­cant time and devel­op­ment knowl­edge. It also extends the turn­around time for devel­op­ers man­i­fold. On the con­trary, React Native encour­ages devel­op­ers to use third-par­ty plu­g­ins, which cuts down on time spent on development.

Almost all com­mon­ly required tools and plu­g­ins are avail­able for easy and quick devel­op­ment. With no has­sle, the mod­ules of Native and JavaScript can be eas­i­ly plugged in for out­stand­ing performance.

The third-par­ty libraries’ fea­tures, includ­ing test­ing, link­ing, net­work­ing, type check­ing, util­i­ty com­po­nents, Redux, etc., are ben­e­fi­cial. Such tools help stream­line tasks and also enhance the per­for­mance of an application.

 #9. A Robust Framework

A good mobile app has to be future-proof and robust. Why? Because devel­op­ers need more time to rebuild apps from scratch every time the frame­work falls.

Addi­tion­al­ly, once your app is released, the devel­op­ers do not want to spend a lit­tle time main­tain­ing and fix­ing bugs. As a result, you require a sol­id frame­work to han­dle updates and sim­i­lar require­ments with­out issue. This is where choos­ing a promis­ing frame­work or tech­nol­o­gy for app devel­op­ment emerges.

React Native ful­fills all the require­ments for a robust frame­work. Here’s why:

  • Face­book’s experts and engi­neers devel­oped React Native. So devel­op­ers can be assured about quality.
  • The frame­work is con­stant­ly updat­ed and improved by the React Native com­mu­ni­ty. So, there are sig­nif­i­cant­ly few­er chances of it not hav­ing reg­u­lar updates.

#10. Offers A Mod­u­lar Framework

A mod­u­lar frame­work deliv­ers high flex­i­bil­i­ty to app devel­op­ers when design­ing the app. React Native also has a mod­u­lar frame­work for app devel­op­ment, which helps break code oper­a­tions into small­er parts. It also helps achieve a sim­ple inter­face, with the help of which the assign­ments of fel­low team­mates can be eas­i­ly tracked.

The frame­work helps make easy updates in the code and, hence, the release of a flaw­less app. In addi­tion, the mod­u­lar frame­work helps devel­op­ers use the same mod­ule to cre­ate a web app from the mobile app.


The React Native frame­work is much more effi­cient and takes only half the time to launch an app com­pared to a con­ven­tion­al framework.

Thanks to quick updates, high code reusing, and has­sle-free cod­ing, you can devel­op pre­mi­um-qual­i­ty apps with­out invest­ing much time or an increased bud­get in app development.

When­ev­er you feel the need to get a mobile app devel­oped, choose none oth­er than our React Native devel­op­ment ser­vices.

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