
A Com­pre­hen­sive Guide to React Native Devel­op­ment Ser­vices and Their Role in App Development

08 Aug 2023

With the grow­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty of mobile devices, busi­ness­es like yours are launch­ing their mobile apps to add anoth­er touch­point to diver­si­fy their reach. Since we have the 2 most pop­u­lar OSs viz Android & iOS, you like­ly get the mobile app designed for both of them dis­tinct­ly to not miss on any of the poten­tial users. This dou­bles your bud­get for app devel­op­ment and adverse­ly impacts your app launch time­line as well. 

Thanks to React Native frame­work by Face­book for com­ing like a sav­ior here. In con­trast to devel­op­ing native apps for your Android and iOS users now you launch a cross-plat­form com­pat­i­ble app using React Native frame­work. React Native is the sec­ond most pop­u­lar cross-plat­form mobile frame­work used by devel­op­ers glob­al­ly with a 32% share, accord­ing to a 2022 devel­op­er survey. 

To gain detailed knowl­edge of React Native and decide whether it’s the right fit for your mobile app require­ments or not, we have every­thing cov­ered for you in our com­pre­hen­sive guide. First, let’s have the basics right. 

What is React Native? 

React Native is a cross-plat­form app devel­op­ment frame­work. It uses JavaScript pro­gram­ming lan­guage to write code for apps com­pat­i­ble with both Android and iOS. React Native lever­ages the pow­er of Reac­tJS while design­ing func­tion­al mobile applications. 

The frame­work solves the prob­lem of devel­op­ing and main­tain­ing two dis­tinct apps for Android & iOS users. Hence, saves the bud­get and time on the devel­op­ment of two asym­met­ri­cal apps for both oper­at­ing sys­tems. If you are wor­ried about the look and feel of React Native appli­ca­tions, I rec­om­mend you to check apps for Face­book and their prod­ucts (Insta­gram, Mes­sen­ger), Tik­Tok, Net­flix, Uber, and Zoma­to, and check their UI/UX for both Android & iOS. Since it is trust­ed by renowned brands, you can count on React Native to build fan­tas­tic mobile appli­ca­tions for you by hir­ing any of the best react native devel­op­ment companies. 

Is React Native dif­fer­ent from React/React JS?

Yes, that’s often con­fus­ing for non-tech peo­ple. React/React JS is a JavaScript library to help mobile app devel­op­ers to ren­der UI com­po­nents. Where­as, React Native is a frame­work that uses JavaScript to devel­op native mobile appli­ca­tions. It sim­ply means that react native com­piles native mobile com­po­nents for mobile appli­ca­tions. While build­ing mobile appli­ca­tions using React JS, it sim­ply acts as a base abstrac­tion of React DOM for the web plat­form. So, the syn­tax and work­flow remain sim­i­lar for both React Native & React JS but the com­po­nents are dif­fer­ent. Our detailed blog can guide you more about the dif­fer­ences and sim­i­lar­i­ties between React JS & React Native. 

Is React Native good for your app devel­op­ment project? 

If you need an app to tar­get both Android & iOS users, React Native cross Plat­form can be the right choice for your busi­ness. It can help you : 

react native cross platform

  • Save time & money

React Mobile app paves the way for you to reach a wide set of audi­ence with a sin­gle invest­ment. Since your app launch­es both on Android & iOS with­out any delay at the same time, you can per­form mobile mar­ket­ing cam­paigns for both of your chan­nels in the same go. As it sup­ports code shar­ing using React XP, devel­op­ers get access to 90% of the code­base ready to cre­ate native expe­ri­ences for oth­er OS. In this way, React native app devel­op­ment not only saves you mon­ey but also reduces the app devel­op­ment cycle and reduces your go-to-mar­ket time. 

  • Sim­pli­fy maintenance

Since the appli­ca­tions on Android & iOS share the same code base, the changes can be imple­ment­ed on both apps eas­i­ly. This saves a lot of time for code-lev­el updates which your devel­op­ment team will be doing twice for 2 plat­forms otherwise. 

  • Get high-per­form­ing apps

When it comes to the per­for­mance of apps, no one can tell any dif­fer­ence between the mobile app devel­oped using React Native or Native­Script unless there is a dif­fer­ence in the frame­work ver­sion. That’s why the devel­op­ment of mobile apps using React native frame­work is ben­e­fi­cial for cre­at­ing enrich­ing native expe­ri­ences both for Android & iOS users. 

What should you know about React Native? 

Despite the cre­ators’ claim that React Native offers native app expe­ri­ences, React Native is not 100% native! Even if you com­pare the React Native app with their native coun­ter­parts you won’t find sim­i­lar expe­ri­ences for UI in either case. How­ev­er, with the assis­tance of a React-native devel­op­ment com­pa­ny, you may get as native expe­ri­ence for the app as pos­si­ble. Why should you still count on best React Native apps? Well, it’s because you may get 90% of a sim­i­lar code base for the entire app and you can have the team work for cre­at­ing native expe­ri­ences for the rest part by adding some Java/Swift code. It auto­mat­i­cal­ly saves devel­op­ment time which devel­op­ers oth­er­wise do from scratch. 

Final Thoughts 

To con­clude here, I would like to men­tion that React Apps are easy to write, and saves time & devel­op­ment cost. It also saves main­te­nance time which oth­er­wise goes for main­tain­ing two dis­tinct apps. Since React Native is also writ­ten in JavaScript, migrat­ing an exist­ing app to the React Native frame­work can also be done. With plen­ty of JavaScript libraries & rich React Native libraries in place, adding new func­tion­al­i­ties to your mobile app incor­po­rat­ing third-par­ty plu­g­ins and APIs won’t be that tricky after all.

react native platform

If you like to know how React Native stands out when com­pared with Flut­ter, Swift — here you can get your answers — 

React Native v/s Flutter

React Native v/s Swift 

Here at RNDC, we pro­vide an array of React Native devel­op­ment ser­vices. We are a React Native App Devel­op­ment Com­pa­ny in the USA that can help you with every­thing from React Native con­sult­ing to decid­ing SOP, and devel­op an app with end-to-end sup­port post-deploy­ment. You can get in touch with our experts, we will be beside you in your dig­i­tal journey!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the process of app development that the best native development companies follow? 

It all starts with gathering your project requirements and consulting with the experts. You can ask for the quotation & timeline and once the deal is finalized then start an entire process of designing, development, testing, and deployment. 

Is React Native app development cost-effective when compared with native app development? 

Yes, React Native app development reduces the development timeline for two apps distinctly to almost half the tenure & budget. 

Do you offer post-deployment services for React Native app development services?

Yes, we offer end-to-end services for React Native app development. You can discuss more details during the project discussion with the team. 


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