
How much does a react native app cost?

11 Dec 2020

Are you on a fixed bud­get and want to build your app, try to React Native, the most opt­ed and pre­ferred app devel­op­ment option.

React Native app devel­op­ers work on a cus­tomized bud­get, though the cost may vary from USD 32k to 52k depend­ing on what is required in build­ing the app.

Top React Native app devel­op­ment com­pa­nies are work­ing out the high-per­for­mance app in a nor­mal bud­get and cost, If a native app devel­op­ment com­pa­ny cost around 29k to 55k, React native app devel­op­ers will offer you the same for less than 40% of the cost if you look­ing for launch­ing an app, tie-up with React Native app devel­op­ment com­pa­ny and you will be sur­prised with the qual­i­ty the top React Native app devel­op­ment ser­vices will offer you.

Unlike oth­er coun­tries, India even offers hourly ser­vices rang­ing from 14.5$ to 25$. If you are look­ing at a new app and you have your spec­i­fi­ca­tions ready, get the most high-per­for­mance app devel­oped by top React Native app devel­op­ment com­pa­nies in the US and India with­in your bud­get and from expert to react Native app developers.

Added Advan­tage:

What works as an added advan­tage is the knowl­edge of the library, plat­form, frame­work, and oth­er tech­nolo­gies that col­lec­tive­ly con­sti­tute the final price.

Some inter­est­ing find­ings of hourly charges of the front-end developers

Pro­fes­sion­al Charges
Front-end Devel­op­ers USD30- USD35 per hour
Soft­ware Engineer USD 29-USD 33 per hour
Web-devel­op­er USD 22-USD 24 per hour

Inter­est­ing­ly, native app devel­op­ers had a great par­a­digm shift and have long back moved their lik­ing from just devel­op­ing native apps to devel­op­ing cross-plat­form apps. One of the ear­li­est hybrid app frames, React native placed this app tech­nol­o­gy right in front of the mar­ket and approached the mass. It not only gained immense pref­er­ence among all app devel­op­ers but soon impact­ed busi­ness­es across the globe. 

Now micro, macro, and exist­ing com­pa­nies and even start-ups con­sid­er React Native as their smartest pick and the right tool for their busi­ness. Com­pa­nies across the globe are exhibit­ing a strong desire to accept and embrace this eco­nom­ic and high­ly adapt­able cost-effec­tive React Native app devel­op­ment services.

Since we promised to speak about React Native app devel­op­ment cost- let’s share some seri­ous figures.

Top React Native app devel­op­ment com­pa­nies believe that what­ev­er con­sti­tutes the main cost is not one but sev­er­al ele­ments, some of the key ele­ments are described below:

Admin­is­tra­tion Pan­el:  

The strength of the app lies in the admin pan­el that helps all busi­ness­es to be mon­i­tored, activ­i­ties reviewed, tends ana­lyzed, and edit­ing and updat­ed con­tent with­out the require­ment of React Native app devel­op­ers. There is no lim­i­ta­tion to the app add-ons – the more you add fea­tures, the more com­plex and func­tion­al the admin pan­el becomes.

App’s Com­plex­i­ty:

Appli­ca­tions pri­mar­i­ly can be seg­ment­ed into three sec­tions:  Low-medi­um and High Complexity.

This seg­men­ta­tion depends upon the below-writ­ten factors:

Back­end- What Top React native app devel­op­ers do is devel­op the app back­end in two ways, prefer­ably cus­tom, and the oth­er is Back­end-as-a-Ser­vice. Whilst using the cus­tom option you will be giv­en the mobile app archi­tec­ture for your own, and on the oth­er hand, BaaS will offer you a ready-to-use back­end archi­tec­ture. You may select what suits you most.

Pur­chase of In-apps:

 The in-app pur­chase is the most com­pli­cat­ed to inte­grate with oth­er app func­tions, this is because it is relat­ed to pay­ment and is direct­ly pro­por­tion­ate to the React Native applications.

Smart inte­gra­tion of 3rd par­ty – Do you want to be more friend­ly using your app, the app will demand smart inte­gra­tion of your app with oth­er appli­ca­tions, though a bit com­plex but high­ly useful.

Inte­gra­tion and more [Under­stand­ing the Lega­cy Sys­tems] React Native apps are man­dat­ed to be con­nect­ed with default in-house lega­cy sys­tems e.g. the enter­prise apps. These projects usu­al­ly fall between medi­um to top complexities.

Autho­riza­tion sup­port for the User:

If build­ing a React Native app is what you are look­ing at try using the user login autho­riza­tion since it offers the most secure option and the app is secured with strict autho­riza­tion checks.

Which Cat­e­go­ry of the app is required

App cat­e­go­ry is pri­mar­i­ly deter­mined by sev­er­al ele­ments name­ly secu­ri­ty seg­ments, func­tion­al­i­ty set­tings, real-time click counts, and more. These dif­fi­cult com­plex­i­ties impact the COST of devel­op­ing an app- here React Native app. While devel­op­ing a sim­ple cal­en­dar or a tab­u­la­tion device, the app costs less com­pared to an intri­cate ful­ly func­tion­al app.

Read also: 6 Tools for Debug­ging React Native

Design of the App

The design of the app usu­al­ly makes or breaks user engage­ment. An app that has an active user flow, seam­less tran­si­tions to shift from one view to anoth­er, and a smart­ly timed tran­si­tion will improve the user expe­ri­ence. What one has to remem­ber is that design­ing inter­ac­tive, respon­sive, and intu­itive screens come with an expen­sive tag.

What is great news for React Native app is that the design­ing cost of React Native costs less than the Native app, and the bonus is only one app is required to be cre­at­ed or designed while opt­ing for React Native app developers.

How to main­tain apps

Note: Three things in mind and you are good to go

  • Keep app updates updated
  • The Design flow
  • Bug fixes

Research states that the expense involved in main­tain­ing a React Native app is almost 22% less com­pared to Native apps.

Com­pa­ny’s Location

Coun­tries across the globe offer dif­fer­ent rates based on devel­op­ment expens­es. If you look for a React Native app devel­op­ment com­pa­ny in North Amer­i­ca or Syd­ney, the cost of devel­op­ing an app would be almost dou­ble if not more.


Each fac­tor men­tioned above is extreme­ly an impor­tant point­er to con­sid­er while you decide on the cost for build­ing React Native apps if you are look­ing at build­ing a smart, respon­sive, intu­itive app- React Native app devel­op­ment ser­vices are what you must opt for.

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