
Top React Native Devel­op­ment Com­pa­ny and Ser­vices: A Com­par­i­son of React and React Native?

26 May 2023

Strug­gling to make a choice between Both React and React Native ? 

We are here to help. 

Both React and React Native can be con­fus­ing when it comes to mobile app devel­op­ment. But they have their own unique fea­tures and advan­tages that sep­a­rate them.

This arti­cle com­pares how React and React Native per­form, scale, oper­ate, and offer user experiences. 

So by the time you are done read­ing the post, you will have the exact idea of which is the right frame­work for your project.

React ver­sus React Native - Fea­tures, Per­for­mance, and Scalability

Both React Native and React are JavaScript-based frame­works used for cre­at­ing dynam­ic, respon­sive user inter­faces. While both frame­works share sim­i­lar pat­terns, they dif­fer espe­cial­ly in fea­tures, per­for­mance, and scal­a­bil­i­ty. This sec­tion is ded­i­cat­ed to fur­ther explor­ing these dif­fer­ences to iden­ti­fy which frame­work best suits a cer­tain set of use cases.

  • Devel­op­ment Process 

Regard­ing appli­ca­tion devel­op­ment, React, and React Native dif­fer in a few impor­tant ways. React devel­op­ment is some­what eas­i­er as you will sim­ply need a text edi­tor or IDE to write code and brows­er to test and debug it.

But React Native requires addi­tion­al steps. While using an edi­tor or IDE, you will also have to set up a devel­op­ment envi­ron­ment with tools like Xcode (used for iOS) and Android Stu­dio (used for Android). 

You will also need an emu­la­tor or phys­i­cal device to test the app. These addi­tion­al steps add to the com­plex­i­ty of React Native development.

Due to React Native’s added com­plex­i­ty, many devel­op­ers are still able to devel­op mobile appli­ca­tions since they can write code once and deploy it on both iOS and Android at the same time. 

Addi­tion­al­ly, React Native’s use of native com­po­nents pro­vides a bet­ter user expe­ri­ence and per­for­mance than web-based mobile devel­op­ment frameworks.

  • Per­for­mance

When you work on a devel­op­ment project, per­for­mance is a vital aspect, espe­cial­ly regard­ing React and React Native. 

The rea­son React is con­sid­ered one of the fastest web appli­ca­tion frame­works is its vir­tu­al DOM fea­ture that min­imis­es the amount of DOM manip­u­la­tion needed. 

Due to this, React can han­dle large amounts of data while remain­ing respon­sive to the user easily.

In spite of this, React Native can offer fast per­for­mance depend­ing on how com­plex the app is and what plat­form it runs on.

More­over, React Native app can also offer sig­nif­i­cant­ly fast per­for­mance, but it will depend on the app’s com­plex­i­ty and where it runs. 

As men­tioned ear­li­er, React Native is a hybrid solu­tion, com­bin­ing web and mobile devel­op­ment approach­es to pro­vide a unique bal­ance between the two.

react native development company

  • User Expe­ri­ence

While com­par­ing React and React Native, the user expe­ri­ence is anoth­er impor­tant fac­tor to consider. 

As a trend­ing web devel­op­ment tool, React can help build­ing sev­er­al user inter­faces from sim­ple to com­plex, for your web applications. 

A native mobile appli­ca­tion built using React Native gen­er­al­ly pro­vides a much more native-like user expe­ri­ence than a web appli­ca­tion built using React, as it is designed specif­i­cal­ly for build­ing native applications. 

The user expe­ri­ence may vary depend­ing on app’s com­plex­i­ty and the device it is run­ning on.

  • Fea­tures 

A key advan­tage of React is its vir­tu­al Doc­u­ment Object Mod­el (DOM) fea­ture and its one-way bind­ing data func­tion­al­i­ty, which enables a more sta­ble code and reduces errors. 

With React, devel­op­ers can cre­ate dynam­ic appli­ca­tions with few­er lines of code and take advan­tage of its com­po­nent-based frame­work. It is a frame­work with which to cre­ate dynam­ic applications. 

In addi­tion to SEO opti­miza­tion, React offers faster load­ing times, which helps reduce bounce rates.

React Native, on the oth­er hand, offers a flex­i­ble archi­tec­ture that enables devel­op­ers to code eas­i­ly and cross-plat­form devel­op­ment, so they save time and mon­ey while main­tain­ing their apps. 

It can be used with JavaScript and has excel­lent com­mu­ni­ty support. 

When To Choose React?

Choose React When…..

  • You need user-friend­ly app with few­er lines of code. With the vir­tu­al DOM, devel­op­ers can cre­ate in-mem­o­ry data caches to speed up the devel­op­ment process.
  • You strive to build high­ly dynam­ic appli­ca­tion with one-way data bind­ing, Data can be passed between your appli­ca­tion’s com­po­nents with­out affect­ing the doc­u­ment DOM if you divide it into mul­ti­ple com­po­nents. Its most excit­ing fea­ture is that it allows you to use libraries while still uti­liz­ing HTML.
  • You don’t want the has­sle of main­tain­ing and update code­base often. Also, its save time and mon­ey, as you can reuse the same code across components.
  • You want a web appli­ca­tion that meets user’s need and enables a faster load­ing time, React is the ide­al choice. It makes it eas­i­er for a site to be indexed by Google faster, mak­ing it more successful.

When To Choose React Native?

Choose React When…..

  • You need cross-plat­form mobile app for iOS, Android. 
  • Have bud­get only for devel­op­ing one code­base that works across mul­ti­ple plat­forms and reduce devel­op­ment, main­te­nance, and admin­is­tra­tion costs.
  • Want to focus on busi­ness log­ic mod­i­fi­ca­tions and cre­ative design­ing rather than look­ing for tech­no­log­i­cal oppor­tu­ni­ties to implement.

Get­ting Started

Find­ing the right resources to learn pro­gram­ming can be hard. Luck­i­ly, we’ve com­piled a list of the top three free tuto­r­i­al cours­es to get you start­ed. No mat­ter your inter­est, these cours­es will give you the knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence you need to get start­ed. Best of all, they will cost you nothing!

react native app development services

Top 3 React Free Tuto­r­i­al Cours­es For Beginners

Here are top 3 React free tuto­ri­als you can con­sid­er to get start­ed in mobile appli­ca­tion devel­op­ment field.

1. React Fun­da­men­tals — Get start­ed with React and learn the basics

2React and Redux Mas­ter­class — Learn React JS com­po­nents with Redux actions. Yarn, React Redux, Redux Thunk React.js, React.js test renderer.

3. React 17: Get­ting Start­ed — Learn how to cre­ate rich inter­ac­tive UIs using React Hooks, and build a game for kids.

Top 3 React Native Free Tuto­r­i­al For Beginners

Here are top 3 React Native free tuto­ri­als you can con­sid­er to get start­ed in the mobile appli­ca­tion devel­op­ment field.

1. React Native IOS and Android App Devel­op­ment for Begin­ners — Learn how to build React Native appli­ca­tions for iOS and Android with.

2. Intro­duc­tion to React Native (Offi­cial React Native docs) — From basic to deploy­ment of apps, you’ll get com­plete under­stand­ing of React Native’s design.

3. Build Mobile Apps with React Native — Learn how to build an iOS and Android app in a few hours.

Read also about 6 Tools for Debug­ging React Native


As a result, select­ing the right tech­nol­o­gy stack is cru­cial to the suc­cess of any project. React and React Native have been proven to be pop­u­lar and effi­cient choic­es for build­ing web and mobile apps. You can trust React Native devel­op­ment com­pa­ny to deliv­er top-notch React Native app devel­op­ment ser­vices for your busi­ness needs with their team of expe­ri­enced developers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is Better: React or React Native?

No one is better than others. Both have different functionalities and hence suited to different business requirements. While React is used for web development, the React Native is used for mobile app development. You will have to decide depending on the problems you want to solve.

How to create a React Native application?

You can build React Native applications using tools like Expo or the React Native CLI. Expo is recommended for beginners, whereas the React Native CLI offers more flexibility. Follow the documentation, and install the necessary dependencies to get started.

How to build a React application?

To build a React app, you will need to install Node.js. Then create a new React project using Create React App. Write application code using React components and JSX. Finally, deploy it to a server. There are many tutorials available of interest to help you build React apps. 

Is React Native the same as React?

No, React Native is not the same as React. React is a JavaScript library that is being used to create interactive web applications. In contrast, React Native is a toolkit that can create interactive mobile applications for Android and iOS platforms based on React.

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